IKinoPlasmat 90mmF1.5

It borrowed two (F1.5 and F2) KinoPlasmat90mm lenses from my friend. It uses and it has given a preview .  This Plasmat is a lens of the camera named BENTZIN REKORD-PRIMAR 6x9cm. 。  This lens (F1.5) has the field angle of 6×9.   It is a copy of the Elmax camera of the ERNEMAN Co.. It is the longest, in kinoPlasmat(F1.5) lens heavy lens. I want to use this lens with the medium-format camera. However, Back Focas is short.    I think it is difficult in using this lens with PENTAX645.    If you take a picture with the medium-format camera with this lens.    I will recommend the use of Speed Graphic.



Plasmat 90mmF2

This lens (F2) has the field angle of 6×9.   I guess that it is one kind of lens of the night camera.   I am using this lens with Speed Graphic.   I will recommend taking a picture by a big photograph format.
